Cibrano Nest Seekers Newsletters

Stay up to date on all the news, topics, trends and Real Estate insights from the Cibrano Nest Seekers Newsletter as well as see who the featured Puppy of the Month is!


Low Inventory and the Upcoming Sellers Market

You read that headline correctly, we are approaching a sellers market in the near future here in NYC and you can chalk that shift in the market to confidence the vaccine has brought to people who are ready to get back to their pre-covid existences.


Confidence Returns to the Market and the Outlook Ahead

As we optimistically approach the tail-end of the Covid pandemic, (although we've seen an uptick in cases the past two weeks) the last 7 months have provided a whirlwind of a reaction from the real estate market. Couple the pandemic lockdowns with an election year and civil unrest in major cities, the confidence in real estate markets has understandably wavered during that time.



Before the black swan event that has changed our lives as well as increased the usage of words and phrases such as "PPE", "social distancing" and my absolute least favorite "in these unprecedented times", the always anticipated Summer Market has come albeit post-COVID-lockdown. Before Covid, we had seen a correction in the market after almost 2 years of declining home prices in NYC, where deals around the $2 million mark were getting done close to ask. Post lockdown, that 'below - $2 million' market is still seeing…


Market Volatility and the Spring Selling Season

Coronavirus is scaring everyone and their mother currently and that's no where more evident or reflective than in the stock market. I received an email from the CIO at a private equity fund and wanted to share with you some thoughts after reading it. Here are three important things to do when making decisions during times of uncertainty…


The “HOW TO GUIDE” For Buying

Buying a home can be a life changing decision - often times the biggest financial commitment an individual can make. That's why it is vital to have an investment strategy in place before jumping into the New York City real estate market. You'll need a buyer’s agent, a mortgage broker, and a real estate attorney. Follow our step-by-step process for a smooth, enjoyable, and successful purchase here in NYC. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!


Is Now A Good Time to buy In Nyc?

YES! Yes it is. We're at a really exciting time in the New York City real estate market. We've come out of a correction that lasted for the better part of 12-18 months. This means prices have already hit bottom and are starting to tick back up. We're seeing deals under $2 million, get done close to asking price which is indicative of a leveling market. The biggest indicator that we're seeing is that units listed in the 5, 10 and $15 million range are moving much faster now than before. Below are some other reasons why now is the best time to buy in NYC!


I’m Back at Nest Seekers International! named assIStant vice president

After spending the past year at Compass, I’ve returned home to Nest Seekers where I am taking on the role of Associate Vice President within the company as well as launching The Cibrano Team. I’m eternally grateful for the opportunity provided by Compass but more importantly for the leadership and guidance of Adam Mariucci who tirelessly worked to make me the best at what I do. Without his support over the last 3 years, I would not be in the position that I currently find myself.A


How the Summer Months Affect The Sales and Rental Real Estate Markets

Everything from fashion, to music, to diets to anything related to pop culture is cyclical. So is Real Estate. Cyclical trends usually come around every decade or so as a new generation of people discover things from past generations to bring them back to the forefront. Real Estate has two types of cyclical trends, one long term and one short term. 


What You Need to Know About How Healthy the Buyers Market Is and The New NYS Real Estate Taxes

I've been saying for months that the market is currently at the bottom for prices. We've seen a correction where most of the inventory (if its been priced correctly and wasn't bought at an inflated price) are at 2013 levels. One of the main drivers behind that is the amount of New Development condo units that have hit the market in the past year.


The 'Not Sexy' Part of Home Hunting or Selling You Need to Know... Financial Markets

The most exciting part of any home search is actually visiting and seeing all the different types of units that could potentially be your next home! Envisioning how a unit would look after you finished renovating and snarling at all the poor decorative choices the current owner has made about molding or choice of toggle light switches that are scattered about the home. The less sexy and fun part, although the most important, is understanding the financial markets that dictate prices, consumer confidence, market strength and the long term outlook that comes with making one of the most expensive investments an individual can make. As a seller, understanding these markets allows you to have better insight into the barriers that may enter the mind of a potential buyer!

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Thinking of Buying? Here is What You Need to Know About the Differences between Condos and CO-OPs

One of the first questions I always get asked by buyers, both first time and repeat, is "What are the main differences between buying in a Condo versus a CO-OP?" Below is some info to help provide some insight to help inform your search and the decision making process!


Real Estate Lessons To Take Away From Apple's Tumultuous Stock Tumble

Apple lost 10% of its stock value in a single day last week and the ever insightful Leonard Steinberg of Compass shared some great parallels between the tough week Apple had and the Real Estate Market. Whether you're a buyer, seller or perspective in either, there's something here for you. 


Some 'Did You Knows' About the NYC Real Estate Market in Winter

Markets fluctuate, inventory changes, supply increases and demand wanes... That's essentially the winter season of NYC Real Estate in a nutshell, but just because demand shrinks does not mean that deals are not getting done! Below are some 'Did You Knows' that may provide some deeper insight into your Real Estate understanding!


A Buyers guide to real estate in an aggressive buyers market

The last few months, I've been sharing that the current NYC market is one of the most favorable for buyers (there were over 800 price drops after Labor Day!) and now I'm going to share with you the perennial guide for Buying as well as the process you can expect!


Why Fear Is Stopping You From Buying In a Buyer's Market

Some incredible news came out last week that there were over 800 price drops on NYC apartment listings since labor day. 800! That's the most in almost 12 years. One of the main reasons for that includes a large supply of inventory already on the market with more new developments reaching completion what seems like weekly here in the city. Sellers are anxious to sell and we're seeing prices at around the levels they were in 2012 as they have begun to correct after the purchase boom following the housing crash.


I’ve Joined Compass!

After beginning my Real Estate career at Nest Seekers, I have made the jump to Compass! I am incredibly excited about the opportunity that Compass has offered not only to myself in elevating my career, but for the platform they have created that will allow me to elevate to best serve my clients!


Power of New Development

If you're a current resident of New York City, I'm sure you've noticed a massive influx of new development luxury buildings being constructed in areas all over Manhattan, Brooklyn and parts of Queens. As a buyer, the market is creating so much leverage for you by increasing the amount of inventory that's available, forcing building developers to compete for your business! Being a "tastemaker" in any field or vertical always gives you a leg up on the competition, but being a tastemaker in the New Development arena can mean massive earnings in rental income, appreciation and tax savings.


Summertime and the Livin' Is Easy... Sorta

Real Estate is very much a cyclical industry where you see lots of peaks and valleys as far as inventory, concession offerings, new to market homes and the overall feeling that people have in general as the weather heats up. When the the weather heats up, so does the competition between renters, buyers and sellers for the perfect home.


Is There A Contraction Coming In the New York City Real Estate Market?

Speaking with a client earlier this week, the topic of the overall health of the Real Estate market came into play and his concern about rising interest rates, volatility in the market and the level of vacant commercial spaces seen from where 'Mom and Pop' shops used to be could be indicators of a contraction in the marketplace. The reality is, is that the Real Estate market has been contracting for the last four or five years?


The Real Estate Market is Changing

I know, change is scary... but opportunity is also present in the changing dynamics for investors, home buyers/sellers and renters. With the economy performing as efficiently as it is and the glorious folks at the Fed looking to raise rates as a result of a healthy economy, money will become more expensive to borrow, and the amount of leverage you're able to espouse will diminish the longer you put off your purchase.


Renting is Fun When Everything Is Cheap and You Have Leverage

Now that the holidays are over and you no longer have to justify all your life choices to your family members at dinners designed to make you explode out of your shirt, its time to pull the trigger on finding your new apartment for 2018! Here are some reasons that moving now is not only economically efficient but 


Winter is The Most Wonderful Time of the Year for Real Estate

The allure of Christmas trees, lights, Larry David's big beautiful bald head and the NY Giants firing their head coach and GM, make winter a really special time of the year. It's the time of year where renters and buyers have increased leverage. Deal makers are more eager to hit year end numbers and buildings offer more concessions. It's a Pretttayyyy, Pretttayyy Good time to lock in your new home (and watch Season 9 of Curb Your Enthusiasm).

Here are some reasons why Winter is to Real Estate as Trump is to Twitter Awareness...


Five Reasons to List Your Home This Fall

We are in the glorious throws of Pumpkin Spice Season also known as Fall... With Halloween right around the corner! This year for Halloween, I'm going as someone who is emotionally available. 

Here are five reasons listing your home for sale this fall makes sense.


Why Buying a New Home Now Is Like Christmas, Your Birthday and Taco Tuesday All Rolled Into One

Now that summer's over, its practically Christmas, but in the meantime, with the arrival of fall, buyers and sellers (and real estate agents for that matter!) are eager to get back to business as fresh new listings hit the market. According to Curbed NY, there are over 40 new developments hitting the market this season (link here). In addition to the high-end condo market, resales also see an uptick in momentum. This makes it an exciting time to be a buyer because there are more quality homes to choose from. Inversely, it's a fantastic time to be a seller because there are more active and urgent buyers who want to make a decision before the New Year - giving properties the optimal exposure. 

Here are four great reasons to consider buying a home today, instead of waiting.


A Sellers Guide to Real Estate

Selling your home can be an emotional decision. That is why working with the right agent (even if you have a pineapple under the sea) can take the emotion out of it, and focus on the business part of it. Our job is to price your home just right so that you maximize your investment and close at an efficient pace. Having an exit strategy when selling your property is vital and executing it successfully the first time around is just as important. There are many moving parts to a sale in New York City that most owners overlook which is why 9 times out of 10 properties are sold by a real estate professional. You can find a complete guide to selling your home below!


StreetEasy Changes Its Business Model... Here's How it Affects You and Your Search

Whats happened with StreetEasy?

Capitalism is a strange and wonderful thing. One company gets lots of clout and financial backing. That aforementioned company then takes all of its financial backing to buy all the other companies inside of its vertical to create market dominance but still keep the entities purchased as separate vehicles operating in the same space. The big boy of them all, Zillow/StreetEasy, realizes its market dominance and then charges brokers who post listings, $3 per day per listing for as long as the listing exists, on top of paying for premier agent and neighborhood expert placement.


Frequently Asked Questions That As A Renter You Should Know the Answers To

Feel like your search is just dragging you around in circles? That you can't pinpoint exactly what it is that you want? Have you previously worked with a broker who was so bad, you grew to disdain the brokers parents for even giving birth to such a human? Do not be alarmed if you had a negative response to these questions, because you're not alone. Here are some tips and frequently asked questions I get from clients that can help arm you with knowledge for your next rental endeavor... It's all in the hips.


How to Find the Broker of Your Dreams

The reason why we can't have nice things is because the internet is full of deception and clients don't know what it is they can believe. Brokers are supposed to provide value in your search, not make you want to slam your face against a bench. Here are tips on how to find the broker of your dreams.


We Made It To Memorial Day! Dance Like No One Is Watching and Rent Like You Know What You're Doing

Adulting is hard. So is renting an apartment in NYC. With the markets vibrancy and dynamism, units come and go like crazy. The old adage that, "time kills all deals", relates perfectly to the NYC rental market so here are some tips for approaching your next rental endeavor.


The Stress of real estate transactions and your ideal agent

For most families, buying or selling a home is the most important, personal and possibly the largest financial decision they’ll ever make. As a licensed Real Estate agent, it’s my responsibility to provide the guidance, market knowledge and unwavering partnership to my clients when it comes to executing a transaction. As the Spring season begins to turn to Summer, buyers will begin to flood the market and create an immense sense of urgency, competition and unfortunately, unforced errors.